Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August News

From Gene Burnett
Last year’s album, “Slow Down Fast”, along with over 30 others, is available for downloading or listening free, or with a donation here: Musical Recordings I also made a youtube playlist with videos from all of the songs: Slow Down Fast (Youtube Playlist) And you can find all of my music, including “Slow Down Fast” at CD Baby, iTunes, Spotify, and other e-retailers of music.
Well, we have a forest fire going again here in Southern Oregon and it looks like my August 17th OSF Green Show will be live-streamed from indoors rather than outside in front of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. I really hope to get a chance to play out on the Bricks one of these years, but it’s looking like this will not be the year. Check here to see the status of the show: www.osfashland.org The good news is that those of you who don’t live around here should be able to watch the show online.

My latest album project “The Way Of All Things” is almost done. The songs are recorded and mixed, and all that’s left to do is the mastering. Then I can move on to the design work, getting CD’s burned, and getting it up on my website. Some of that is under my control and some of that is not, but I hope to have this one available within a month or so. I will, of course, keep you posted.

The big news story for me this past month is that my bike got stolen from outside the Wild Goose. Sad but true. I filled out a report with the police and gave them the serial number etc. but with every day that passed I had less hope of them finding it. I posted a picture of the bike on facebook and shared the bad news. Bike thieves are the worst and I had even written a song about my bike that suggested among other things that bike thieves should face a senior citizen firing squad: .22’s, no glasses, 100 yards, long as it takes. I was only half kidding. I got a lot of sympathy from my various facebook friends, many of whom had had bikes stolen as well. Then, about a week later, I got a card in the mail from an anonymous donor with a check for $1000.00 for a new bike. I was floored. I was truly touched by the gift as well as by the many many supportive comments I got on facebook when I shared the good news. This person’s gift seemed to benefit more than just me as a lot of people were uplifted and happy to hear something positive for a change. One of my facebook friends is a reporter for the local paper and he did a story about it that made the front page. I also recorded a “live” version of the song about my bike and posted it on youtube. As we say here in Shakespeare country: All’s Well That Ends Well.

This month I posted 5 T’ai-Chi videos, and 3 music videos, including my set from “Woody Guthrie Night” and “I Like My Bike”. Links to all of these are in the “Videos” section below…

So here we go…I’m going to start with local shows in case you’re in the Rogue Valley and then proceed with the usual information about where to find my music, videos, and pictures, including information about new projects.

There is so much to listen to and watch on the net these days…I’m amazed anyone even gets this far in the newsletter let alone watches or listens to anything I’m doing. I’m sincerely grateful for every view, every listen, and every nice comment I receive. I’m happy if anything I post truly reaches even one person. I’m offering all this stuff in a “just in case you’re interested” spirit.

Upcoming Shows:

Wednesday, August 7th, I’ll be hosting my regular Themed Open Mike at The Wild Goose Café & Bar. Usually this happens on the First Wednesday of every month. This month's theme will be”Cities & States” so musicians and spoken word artists will be doing songs and poems, covers or originals, that mention or are about this theme in any way. We’re never too strict or narrow about the themes for this event. The main idea is to focus our attention a little to hopefully inspire and motivate us creatively. These are always fun community events. No Cover at the friendliest bar in Ashland. Sign-up is 7:30pm. Show starts at 8:00pm.
*A heads up for next month: Wednesday, September 4th, 2019: “Work Songs”

Saturday, August 17th, from 10am-Noon, my good friends Jesse Biesanz, David Brown and I are hosting a Hacky Sack session outside the former Caldera Tap House on Water Street in Ashland. We’ll be under the overpass. This usually happens on the third Saturday of every month. We missed the fun and camaraderie of a good friendly Hack Circle and…more importantly, we missed the practice! It’s fun, aerobic, cooperative, demands balance, coordination, quick thinking and accuracy…So whether you’re new to the game, or an experienced player who wants to brush up your skills, or an expert who just wants to meet some new players, come on by. Hacky Sack basically involves keeping a small footbag in the air, usually leather and fairly soft, using only your feet. When there are more than two players, it’s usually played in a circle. If the circle gets too big, it is split into smaller circles.

The only rules of this Hack Circle:

1. You’ve got to use your feet to keep the sack in the air and off the ground. No hands! (10 voluntary pushups if you do)

2. If you miss or otherwise screw up, you can’t say, “I’m Sorry.” (10 voluntary pushups if you do)

3. No serving to yourself. (10 voluntary pushups if you do)

4. No hotdogging. Meaning this is not about how many tricks you can do before the sack hits the ground, and it’s not about working obsessively on tricks. Tricks are fine but in general, we want to keep the hack going as a friendly group and keep everyone involved.

See you under the bridge rain or shine. The overpass provides shelter from the rain and once the circle gets going, you’ll be plenty warm regardless of the weather.

And later that same day, Saturday, August 17th, I’ll be playing at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Green Show. As of this writing, this will be a live-streamed performance that you can catch at the OSF website. There is a chance that it might be moved back to the Bricks in front of the Festival, but we have a forest fire nearby and with the air quality varying quite a bit, OSF is currently live-streaming all of the Green Shows. Click here for updates and to check the status of the Green Show: www.osfashland.org The show will start at 6:45 if it’s outside (not likely but possible) and at 7pm if it’s live-streamed.

Saturday, August 24th, I'll be playing a set as part of a benefit show at The Havurah Shir Hadash , at 185 N. Mountain in Ashland. The show is from 7:30-9:30pm. There are several other local musicians on the bill and I’m not sure when my set will be. The show will be raising funds to allow legal, overnight parking for those whose home, for now, is their vehicle. Also provided will be restroom facilities, water, and trash receptacle. Suggested donation at the door is $20.

For more info about these and all of my shows, and to confirm that there have been no cancellations, click here: Calendar

Since I'm putting this newsletter out once a month, it's possible there may be a cancellation of a given show by the time it happens. Please double check with my web calendar if possible to be sure the gig is still happening. I'd hate to have you come out for nothing. Also another gig or two might be added or times or locations might change, so do check the calendar for the latest info.  

Recorded Music

All of my over 30 albums are available for downloading free or with a donation at my website: GeneBurnett.com

Videos In General

Overall Mission: I post a lot of videos on youtube, over 1000 so far! I'm not trying to build a fan base. In fact, I'm not trying to build anything. I'm not expecting you or anyone else to follow what I'm doing or watch all of these videos. Posting videos is just part of my overall plan to make my music (and my T’ai-Chi and Nature videos too) as freely available as possible and see what freely comes back. I think of each video as sort of like a message in a bottle...and more I toss out there the more likely one of them will land on a friendly shore and something good will come back to me.

A Note on Monetization: I won’t be able to monetize my videos on youtube anymore. Monetization seems to be an option youtube wants to reserve for bigger more ambitions channels. I’ve always had mixed feelings about having ads on my videos, so to some extent, this is actually a bit of a relief. On the other hand, it was nice to make a little money from my videos and nice to think of “views” as adding slightly to my income. But such is life. I’m happy to be rolling free and clear of ads. With the help of some savvy facebook friends, I was able to ad this paragraph to the descriptions on all of my videos at once:

I hope this video has been helpful to you or touched you in some way that leaves you a little better off for having watched it. This is not a big time channel and I have no plans for it to become one. I’m too small to have ads on my videos and I’ve always had mixed feelings about them anyway. If you would like to support and encourage what I do here, you can make a donation to me directly via paypal. No donation is too small, (or too big!) and all donations are very much appreciated. Paypal Me

So here are some video links in case you're interested:

How to Find My Videos: First of all, I've set up a Videos Page on my website with a menu similar to what you see below as well as a digital tip jar in case any of you want to contribute to my cottage industry. Every little bit helps and not just financially. 

I've also set up some blogs that make navigating and viewing my various videos much easier. You can go to any of these blogs and see thumbnails for all of the videos posted there. Scroll across the thumbnails and you will see the titles of each video. Click on it and a page will open that will let you watch the video right there without going to youtube. My latest videos are always in the upper left hand corner.

To see all of my Music videos in one easy to navigate place, click here: The Unforced Videos

To see all of my T'ai-Chi videos in one easy to navigate place, click here: The Unforced Movement

To see all of my Nature videos in one easy to navigate place, click here: The Unforced Nature

For a quick and easy way to sort through, listen to, or download all of my albums free or with a donation, click here: The Unforced Music

To see my regular blog “The Unforced Life”, click here: The Unforced Life

To visit my youtube channel and possibly subscribe, click here: My Youtube Channel

To see all of my youtube playlists click here: My Youtube Playlists 

And here are links to my individual album youtube playlists.

New Videos

5 new T’ai-Chi videos:

3 new Music videos:


I've stopped posting as many pictures on facebook, (for many reasons), and started posting them instead on Flickr, which I like much better.

Here's a link to my "home page" at Flicker: Photostream.

I have many photo galleries there but a few of my favorites are:

Small Miracles (mostly Nature related stuff)

The Dish Whisperer (I started posting a daily picture of my dish stacking work over a year ago. I recently crossed the 2000 straight days mark. I have no idea how long I’ll keep doing this. I’m so used to it, it hardly takes any effort at all to continue. I made a video for my song “I'll Do The Dishes Tonight” that featured a slideshow of the first year.


I continue to offer all of my albums for downloading, free or with a donation at my website: www.GeneBurnett.com I started doing this about 10 years ago and considered it a 5 year creative experiment. Well the 5 years passed and I decided to start calling it my "ongoing creative experiment" as I have no plans to stop. Since I returned to my folk roots and stopped climbing, or trying to climb, the industry ladder, I've been enjoying music in my life more than ever before. And enjoyment, rather than achievement or worldly success has always been dearest to my heart anyway. So now I focus totally on what I love most: writing, recording, performing and sharing what I create. If other people like it, so much the better, but getting other people to like me or what I do is no longer my goal or focus. I'm out to please myself first. I want to do my music exactly the way I want to do it and see who likes it that way, not figure out what people will like and try to do it that way. I put it out there freely and see what comes freely back. So far so good. I've never had more success and appreciation than I have since I started doing it this. Go figure. 

Thanks, as usual, for your support and well wishes even if you don't make to any shows.


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