Friday, March 3, 2023

Go There And Breathe

Go There And Breathe

A wise old meditation dude once gave me some very good was so simple...a cliché simple that people just won't do it...including me...but whenever I have done it...I've found it very effective in moving me forward to something better.

He said: "When you feel pain...Go there and breathe."

So you bring your attention to where the pain is and you breathe there as naturally as possible, whatever that ends up meaning. Don't use force, just allow your breathing to be what it wants to be...slow, fast, cry....whatever it wants to be...with your focus on that painful place. I sounding as shit. It's easy to make fun of because most of the people who tell you to do it, don't actually do it, so they sound like idiots.

This is for all kinds of pain, not just heartache. Go there and breathe.

And I would add, to also spend some time listening to the sensations in your body and trying to match them with the right words in your head...the words that "match" and give you that unmistakable "aha" or "yes!" feeling. Your body does not know the future, but it almost always knows the next few steps you need to take.

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